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Formed of Fire: Selections in Contemporary Lampworked Glass af Bandhu S. Dunham

formed of Fire: Selections in Contemporary Lampworked Glass af Bandhu S. Dunham
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Formed of Fire: Selections in Contemporary Lampworked Glass af Bandhu S. Dunham
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Sprog - Engelsk
A lavishly illustrated showcase edited by Bandhu Dunham, one of the founding members of the modern movement of artistic lampworkers. This "coffee table" book showcases the work of over 75 established and emerging artists in the lampwork field, from the United States, and around the globe. Simply defined, lampwork is the craft of shaping glass in a torch flame. The name derives from the original practice of melting glass rods and tubes in the flame of an oil lamp. In modern times, glassblowers typically use a gas-oxygen torch flame to heat their materials. Lampworked glass (sometimes called flameworked glass) is one of the most dynamic branches of the studio glass movement. Since the 1980s, lampworking has exploded into the awareness of artists and collectors with a delightful variety of styles and techniques. Everything from tiny beads and marbles, to paperweights, to huge architectural installations can be, and is made, using lampwork methods. In these pages, feast your eyes upon creations by today's best lampwork artists. An historical introduction, demonstration sequences by some of the featured artists, and a glossary of lampworking terminology round out this indispensible guide to lampworked glass.

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